About the Founders

Both us have testimonies of The supernatural, saving grace of God shown to us because of Jesus Christ. Together, we had made it our life pursuit to get to know Him individually and collectively and also to share His message of salvation, grace, forgiveness of Sins, relationship with the Heavenly Father through Him and His eternal promise to never leave us alone, abandoned or without hope.

Bridge Builders VI International is committed to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, His good news that a Savior from God has actually come and has taken upon himself the redemptive work of restoring mankind back to God through the Cross. Follow along with us, as we, follow Him. We preach not ourselves but Jesus Christ and He, crucified….because of Him we are involved in mankind.  

Meet Our Team

David Burrus
  • CEO of the Collective, Coach, Mentor, Author, Relationship Expert
Vivien Ssentoogo
  • Apostle, Senior Pastor of Union City Dallas Church, TX
Dominique Henderson
  • Graphic Design 2
Amariani Ventura
  • Administrative Assistant
Jose Figueroa
  • Graphic Design 1