Who are we?

We are a ministry birthed on our beautiful island home of St. Croix, US Virgin Islands in the Caribbean. Originally founded by Kasan & Zaira Wheatley, Bridge Builders VI exists to acquaint all people with Jesus Christ by “building a bridge,” through putting on conferences and working with different ministries to hold events that bring a greater understanding of Jesus Christ and inspire growth and maturity among His followers.

What are we?

As Ordiained Pastors & ministry leaders we teach and dialogue chiefly through virtual formats. We endeavor to open a training and equipping center where we can meet and hold regular meetings, trainings and workshops that help others grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and walk in Christ likeness. 

2014 - We were ordained as Evangelists  by Dr. Virginia Ventura (Miracle Revival Deliverance Tabernacle).

2019 - Ordained as Pastors by Apostle’s Dean and Octavia Standley (Dominion & Power International). 

What is our why?

Simply put, we are called by God to make known His “Health & Stimulus,” package called “Salvation,” to every human being. Salvation is basically how God the Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ to die as payment for the Sins of all mankind so that mankind could be forgiven and escape the “Death Row,” sentence assigned to us, but rather receive Eternal life instead. 

And, How to walk with Jesus Christ in a meaningful and impactful way daily until He comes back! 

When are we & Where are we?

We can be found online on our website at bridgebuildersvi.org or YouTube, Facebook & Virtual Zoom Events

See our calendar or/and register with us for updates and reminders of broadcast times, special events and promotions.