Donate to Bridgebuilders VI
What does your giving to Bridge Builders VI International accomplish?

Supporting the Ministry
You’re giving helps us as a ministry start up to be able to produce authentic, substantive online content as well as to produce media productions, online seminars and teachings that nourish the spirit and cultivate the mind. It’s also helps with the basic costs associated with running a ministry, such as purchasing or renting equipment and short term low cost projects.

Help Us Accomplish Our Goals
You’re giving to this ministry helps us to accomplish our medium range goals such as community outreach and supports our mission trips as we travel or as we invite other missionaries from different parts of the United States and around the world.

Accomplish Our Long Term Goals
You’re giving helps us to accomplish our large or long-term projects bridgebuilders VI intends to localized in a brick and mortar establishment as well as continue continue online or virtual media production and you’re giving brick by brick brings us closer to that goal in affect your giving helps us lay the foundation and Rex the walls puts on the roof and open doors so that you yourself can come and we can fellowship together and give God the glory for all that he is accomplished to us.